More than 120 requests to Derbyshire police from people worried partner has a violent past

STOCK: Domestic violence illustraion.STOCK: Domestic violence illustraion.
STOCK: Domestic violence illustraion.
More than 120 people asked Derbyshire police for information about previous violent offending by a partner in the first nine months of a new law coming into force.

Figures released by the Home Office show that between the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) - known as Claire’s Law - being rolled out on March 8, 2014 and December 31, 2014, 124 applications were made in Derbyshire, with the number of disclosures at 62.

The law works in two different ways - members of the public can apply to the police for disclosure about a new or existing partner, or alternatively, the police can make a decision to disclose information to protect a potential victim.

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The law is sometimes referred to as Clare’s Law after Clare Wood, 25, who was brutally murdered by her ex-partner George Appleton in Salford in 2009. Unbeknown to Clare, Appleton had a history of violence towards women. He was found hanged six days after her death.

Figures have also been released showing how many Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) and Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPNs) were issued.

A DVPN is an emergency eviction and non-molestation notice which can be given to perpetrators of abuse by police when officers attend a domestic abuse incident. Police can apply to the court for a DVPN within 48 hours of issuing a DVPO.

The civil court order can ban a perpetrator from contacting a victim and from going to a home for up to 28 days.

In Derbyshire, 77 DVPNs were issued by police, with 70 granted by the courts.

Of these, 15 were breached.

The use of these orders in Derbyshire began on June 23, 2014.

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