Whit Walks bring decorated floats and marching bands to Chesterfield

Chesterfield Whit Walks, St Thomas' ChurchChesterfield Whit Walks, St Thomas' Church
Chesterfield Whit Walks, St Thomas' Church
Chesterfield's famous Whit Walks, which have been part of the town's tradition for nearly 170 years, will take place on bank holiday Monday, May 28.

Thirty churches with marching bands, banners, decorated floats, live music and even a children’s juggler by the name of ‘Jugalubs’ will be involved.

The procession gathers in front of the Town Hall for 9.45am and sets off at 10.05am down Knifesmithgate, along Cavendish Street, Newbold Road, Queen Street, Tennyson Avenue and Saltergate.

Refreshments are available all morning in Rose Hill United Reformed Church.